Tuesday, April 7, 2020

F for faith - My favourite things to counter COVID-19 stress

(This post is part of the A to Z Challenge. I am writing this month on activities that keep me refreshed during these depressing days. It's Day 6 today.)

These are uncertain times. Lots of information that we get to read and hear are depressing. In such times, it's important to have faith; a strong conviction that everything will be fine and we will come out of this.

It's not only now that the future is uncertain. Future is always uncertain. But in normal times, uncertainty is not something that we bother about because, by the law of probability, the chances of something catastrophic happening every other moment in the future is next to negligible. However, we now have a situation when that uncertainty is bothering us.

While it is true that science has been able to answer most of our doubts, there are many still unanswered. Though some scientists predicted another pandemic, there was no indication of when and where that would be. If we had known that, we could have been prepared for what we are facing today.


Though faith is commonly associated with religion and god, it's beyond that.

It's our belief in anything that gives us the strength to face uncertainties of the future, and it is personal to an individual. It's this strength that enables us to keep going and finally see through the tough times. What one person believes in might not be what another person believes in.

One might believe in prayers. For another, it could be merely lighting of a lamp. For others, it could be reading something inspirational or just listening to songs that lift their mood.

I derive strength from many sources. One of them is the belief that nothing -- neither the good nor the bad -- lasts forever.

As the Persian adage says, "This too will pass".


  1. I don't think we'd ever be fully prepared for a pandemic. But there are things we can do to be ready for one. (If only those in charge were on top of things, at least where I am.)

  2. Faith is complete trust in something or someone. It could be God or belief. As long as we have faith, we will have peace of mind.

  3. Faith is saying Yes to certain reality/realities. Without that Yes, life is quite impossible.

    1. Hi Tomichan - Yes, without having faith in someone/something, we won't be able to lead a normal life.

  4. Faith to me is believing in something with all my might . No one is certain how will we control the spread or when will we find the cure. But I too ha w full faith that we will overcome this very soon!

  5. This too shall pass is one of my favourite quotes. Without faith there would be no hope. Without hope life would become too hard. Great post.

    Suzy Someday Somewhere Letter F

  6. Yes, This Too Shall Pass is one of my favourites too. I just hope it doesn’t take me with it :)

    1. Hi Vallypee -
      This's a good one! :-)
      For some reason, my feed reader (Feedly) wasn't picking up new posts from your blog. The last one was three months ago.
      Glad to see your comments.
      I have now removed the earlier feed, and added your blog again.
      Hope to see your posts again now.
      Take care.

  7. Hari OM
    I agree totally with your concept of faith - to surrender to faith is a strength, a saving grace, and it matters not where that faith is placed. Provided, of course that it raises us higher than ourselves! YAM xx

  8. Very well said- Faith is that strong belief - that we hold on it- when things are uncertain. It just comes in different forms for diff ppl. Some call it God for some it is the inner courage to stay calm.

  9. Indeed, nothing lasts for ever. I have faith in the phrase, 'this too shall pass'. :)

    1. Hi Dashy - Thanks for stopping by. I will hop over to your blog. Thanks.

  10. Raised attending an easygoing Protestant church, I now say I have faith, not religion. Great post. Thanks for your great attitude. Stay safe!

    1. Hi Darla - Thank you. For me too, I have faith but not religion.

  11. Such a lovely post Pradeep.
    Yes, "future is always uncertain." and this too shall pass.
    I particularly like the fact that you haven't married faith to religion or God. That is so, so important today.

    1. Hi Arti - Yes. For me religion and faith are two different things, and there is more of faith and less of religion.

  12. I am more for hope than for faith. But I really like your explanation here

  13. You're right, faith takes many forms and it is the strength we need to get through whatever it is we are facing. In this case it's the pandemic.

    1. Hi Jade - Thanks. Faith is great source of strength.

  14. Hi Pradeep - I heard an excellent sermon on "Hope" the other day - and I think that's what keeps us all going. It's the hope that this will pass, the hope that our govts have it all in hand, the hope that we will beat this virus, the hope that God is in control. I hold onto hope and get on with living my best life in the meantime - that's how we'll get through this together.
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I've shared on my SM šŸ˜Š

    1. Hi Leanne - Thank you. Yes, it's hope that keeps us all going, is it not? I am sure, it will all be normal, sooner than later.


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