Thursday, January 6, 2022

A mom's concern

I was passing by a school. The classes for the day had just got over and the children -- mostly in the 7 to 10 age group -- were streaming out of the main gate.

There were parents or guardians waiting to pick up the kids. A small boy, may be around 7 or 8 years old, on seeing his mom (or may be his guardian), ran towards her, and hugged her.

The first thing she did was to adjust her son's mask to the correct position. 

Just as she was doing that, the boy sneezed, twice.

The next instinctive reaction of the mom was to anxiously touch his son's forehead and neck, obviously, to check if he had fever.


Omicron has arrived in India, it looks like, as indicated by the breakneck speed at which the daily positive cases is increasing. Virologists are expecting this 3rd wave in India to peak next month.


  1. Sorry to hear about Omicron. Hope the authorities and the health care personnel can control this.

    1. This time the governments have been very proactive and taking all precautionary measures; except in the matter of holding election rallies. People also seem to be by and large careful; having seen the disastrous blow the 2nd wave struck.

  2. Hi Pradeep - sadly it's everywhere ... stay safe and all the best - and have a happy new year (when we're allowed to) ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary. We are doing our best to keep ourselves safe.

  3. Hari OM
    Inevetable, I suppose - and it does, apparently, more resemble a traditional cold in its presentation, with sneezing and sore throat. This was a lovely little vignette of our times that you presented us, Pradeep. YAM xx

    1. Hi Yamini - Thank you. Indeed the silver lining is that the infection is genearlly mild. Considering the number of instances when I had mild cough, irritation in the throat, blocked nose, etc., I wonder if I had got it already!

  4. Every sneeze from your kid must be so anxiety-inducing. I hope the third wave doesn't hit you too hard.

    1. Yes ... In most countries Omicron has pushed the number of infections to a new high. I don't think India will be an exception.

  5. The dreaded omicron. May the new variant be light for you. (Apparently we now have flu-rona. Sigh.)

  6. I guess it had to happen Pradeep - and I think every new variant is going to sweep its way around the globe. We're still locked away from the rest of the world, but sooner or later it will be our turn and that's a scary thought. Stay safe.

  7. It’s here too, Pradeep. We are in lockdown, but I’m not sure it’s making any difference. Look after yourselves, and let’s hope that despite the numbers, it’s not as serious,

  8. This virus quite often undergoes cosmetic surgery and appears in various forms. When will it leave us? O,God! Call back this devil, please.

  9. nice to connect to your blog!

  10. Hope this shall pass by soon.


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