Monday, March 25, 2024

A to Z Challenge 2024

#AtoZChallenge 2024 badge

I have been thinking about whether I should sign up for this year's A to Z Blogging Challenge. 

That's because next month is going to be quite hectic for me with lots of work lined up.

The reluctance to break the six-year streak is stronger than a thought to give this year's round a miss. 

What am I going to blog about? I have no clue. I will most probably write about random topics, or I might come up with a theme in the next few days.

The posts are going to be short, for sure.

I'm not certain if I will be able to do as much blog-hopping as I used to, but I'll try, especially on the days I am relatively free.

A to Z Challenge


Wednesday, March 6, 2024

No space to fill

Forms are an integral part of our lives, aren't they? You find them at airports, railway and bus stations, government offices, banks, hospitals, and post offices. 

On these seemingly innocuous sheets of paper, we have to fill in important details that will help offices grant us access, validate our identities, or facilitate transactions. 

But rarely have I found a form that had adequate space to fill in all the necessary details.

If they are asking us so many details, why aren't they leaving enough space?

They don't realise the consequences. When space is scarce, our handwriting suffers. We squeeze letters and abbreviate words. Illegible entries lead to errors, delays, and frustration.

Insufficient space also could mean my inability to give some detail or context to the answer I am providing.

So, it's better for all if they keep us customers in mind and leave enough space.

Or, better still, switch to digital. No problem of illegibility. Expandable fields provide enough space. We will save lots of paper as well. 

What are your thoughts on this issue? Have you ever struggled with cramped forms?

(Image credit: Freepik)