Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Theme: Emotions

A state of peace, tranquillity, contentment. 

Absence of agitation, worry, or strong emotions.

An ability to keep one's cool in the face of extreme pressure. 

All these symbolise calmness.

Needless to say, this is an admirable emotion in any person, especially in these times.

A calm mind can analyse situations clearly, weigh options rationally, and make sound decisions. 

Calmness means less stress. Less stress means better physical and mental health.

Calmness also means patience and empathy, which translate into stronger relationships. 

In workplaces, calm people tend to be more efficient and productive.

But beyond a limit, calmness can metamorphose into complacency, which is not a good attribute.

Excessive calmness can lead to procrastination and missing opportunities and goals. 

Calmness should not mean suppressing emotions that need to flow out. Bottling up emotions is unhealthy.


Are you generally calm or impulsive?

(I'm participating in #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z)


  1. I like to believe I'm calm. Others might disagree. lol Happy Blogging!

  2. Don't be deceived by calm appearance. People who are passive aggressive are also calm outwardly

  3. In the pre-kindergarten class I teach, I talk about having calm bodies ALL THE TIME! We also do breathing exercises to help us calm our bodies. The kids (they are 4 and 5 years old) really love lying on the floor on their backs and doing belly breathing to relaxing music!

  4. Hi Pradeep sir. This is a favourite emotion and also one that I'm striving to get better at. I strongly believe 'calm' is a superpower. But I also noticed the word of caution that you put out there. It's all so neatly explained.

  5. Not so easy to acquire when the world around is so very violent. But we need to keep trying...

  6. Hi Pradeep - I'm usually calm ... but can get riled - by people who don't consider others ... sometimes I can cope with that - other times ... I get away as soon as I can, but realise I'm fortunate in my life. Cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary. I understand being calm has its limitations! Most of us can cope to a good extent.

  7. I am generally calm although I do at times hold back emotions.

    1. ​Calm people are liked, and they are appreciated.

  8. Hi Pradeep - I popped back over to catch up on B to G and really liked this one on calmness because it ties in with my WOTY - Equanimity. I like the idea of an inner centeredness and calmness - not enui, but contentedness and being assured of myself and my place in the world - it's something that Midlife has definitely been teaching me.

    1. Hi Leanne - Thank you. Yes, calmness and equanimity are closely related. They are stabilizing factors in our lives.

  9. Sans hésitation : impulsive ! J'aimerais être calme, posée, pondérée, mais non...


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