Monday, April 29, 2024


Theme: Emotions
It's that longing for something that is out of reach — a feeling that we have all experienced at some point.

It's much more than a mere want or desire. It's much deeper and more intense, sometimes with a tinge of sadness that it's not attainable, at least immediately.

It could be a longing for a connection with someone who matters a lot, or for adventure, or just to do nothing, or for love, or for a sense of belonging, or for a creative outlet. 

Sometimes, we yearn for a fairer world or for a time when things were easier.

Since what we yearn for is usually out of reach, it need not always be disappointing; it can be a source of motivation, propelling us to chase our dreams.

It can be a catalyst for change. Pushing beyond our comfort zones and taking risks in pursuit of what we long for can lead to self-discovery. In this way, yearning is more than mere emotion.

Have you yearned for something? Has it ever led you down an unexpected path?

(I'm participating in #AtoZChallenge and #BlogchatterA2Z)


  1. Yearning is the ache of unmet longing.

  2. I agree with both comments. ~nods~ Best wishes to you and yours.

  3. Yearning, haaa, ce n'est pas un mot que j'entends fréquemment. Ni que j'emploie (en anglais). En français ça donne "aspirer à" (et non pas "aspirer" un liquide, le français est une langue compliquée avec de nombreux mots polysémiques !), aspirer à une vie meilleure, souvent. Je pense qu'en ce moment, j'aspire à avoir des relations apaisées avec une collègue de travail ;)

  4. Hi Pradeep - a good choice for Y ... so often we yearn when if we wait patiently ... it'll happen - cheers Hilary


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