Monday, March 25, 2024

A to Z Challenge 2024

#AtoZChallenge 2024 badge

I have been thinking about whether I should sign up for this year's A to Z Blogging Challenge. 

That's because next month is going to be quite hectic for me with lots of work lined up.

The reluctance to break the six-year streak is stronger than a thought to give this year's round a miss. 

What am I going to blog about? I have no clue. I will most probably write about random topics, or I might come up with a theme in the next few days.

The posts are going to be short, for sure.

I'm not certain if I will be able to do as much blog-hopping as I used to, but I'll try, especially on the days I am relatively free.

A to Z Challenge



  1. I did the A-Z blog challenge, ages ago. I think I will set this one out.

    1. Okay. I will be a little tied up most of next month. But still, I thought, I will have a go at it.

  2. Hope you are able to do this year also and best of luck Pradeep.

  3. If you enjoy it and the engagement with other bloggers then go for it. If it's a bit of a hassel and you don't have the time to visit other AtoZers, then maybe you should take a break and come back when you have the head space? Good luck with your decision making!

    1. Hi Leanne - Thank you. There will be weekends and a few other days in the week, I will be relatively free. I will plan my work accordingly so that I can set apart some time for the A2Zers.

  4. I started taking part in the challenge back in its early days. I continued for several years but stopped when the number of participants dropped from over 2000 to a few hundred. Also, flash fiction writers such as me were gradually disappearing! I have to say, I really miss it, but sadly I won't be returning.

    1. Hi Keith, I started only in 2018. Two thousand in earlier years means there would have been quite a lot to choose from.

    2. Hi Keith, I started only in 2018. Two thousand in earlier years means there would have been quite a lot to choose from.

  5. I'm considering whether to do it again this year. I do't have your time constraints but even so, it's quite a commitment.

  6. I'm in a similar predicament. April is going to be busy. Good luck.

  7. Oh, best wishes! Have fun with as little stress as possible.

  8. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Good luck with the A-Z challenge.

  9. Bon challenge à venir, je viendrais bien sûr te lire !

  10. I was participating in the A-Z challenge for some time, and I gave up as i focused on completing my PhD in the last 5 to 6 years. Being academically sound is important when you work with students community.. hats off that you have been regularly participating. I am sure you will do well as you have always done with your post. I wish you all the best ! happy blogging:)


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