Friday, July 15, 2005

Lab goes out of Bangalore

U.S. software firm Versata transferring lab from Bangalore, India, to Halifax

Keith Doucette, Canadian Press
July 15, 2005

HALIFAX (CP) - An overheated information technology sector in India is behind a move by American software firm Versata Inc. to transfer its development lab from Bangalore to Halifax, eventually locating up to 85 jobs in Nova Scotia.

Brett Adam, Versatas' chief technology officer, said Thursday it is increasingly difficult to retain staff in Bangalore... for more than nine months due to the number of rich job opportunities available to them.

Adam said the "post-bubble" environment of the technology sector in the United States, Australia and Canada is more stable than in some other countries.

Read more here.

1 comment:

  1. This makes sad reading. I read somewhere that atrition levels are 61% in India. If we do not stop this job hopping spree, we will see the flight if IT to more favorable climes.


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